Thursday, 24 December 2009
Jaffa Parade
Christmas Holidays!

Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Holiday bug has bitten!

We also have our High School Christmas Disco tomorrow night - a highlight of the Student Council's social calendar, as well as the primary Christmas play tomorrow and the high school Carol service on Friday, packed full of music, singing and readings from the Bible of the Christmas story, and of course plenty of Christmas Carols!
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
Getting ready for MICC
Yesterday, we were interviewed by a reporter from the Jerusalem Post, one of Israel's leading English newspapers. The story, which appeared on page 5 of today's print edition will soon be uploaded. We have also had an interview by a local Arabic newspaper as well as interest been expressed by a Jaffa member of parliament! This is truly an honour to be part of something so amazing!
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Cricket comes to Tabeetha!

Yes, believe it or not, the game of gentlemen has come to our little school in Jaffa.

We had a visit by a representative of the Israel Cricket Association who introduced the game to our grade 3 to 10 classes, many of whom have never heard of cricket.

The idea is to increase awareness of cricket amongst the youth of Israel. Already there are teams of Israelis and Palestinians playing together through the Peres Center for Peace . We are also hoping this will gain momentum in Tabeetha and we will have a team or two playing against other teams in the region.

Friday, 27 November 2009
End of a difficult week...
Firstly, we heard about the sad passing away of Mr. George Baird in Scotland. Mr. Baird was a great friend and supporter of Tabeetha School. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family during this time.
Also, the entire Jaffa community was shocked to the core by the news of the sudden passing away of Mr. Joseph Deek, a great friend and family member of many people in Jaffa. His funeral witnessed literally thousands of attendees in procession along Yeffet street in Jaffa, on the way to the Greek Orthodox Church, where the ceremony took place. The procession was led by the scouts of Jaffa, Muslims and Christians, many of whom attend the school. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends.
The general school family is beginning to feel the bite of the winter cold and flu bug, with many teachers away from school.
The Muslim community is celebrating "eid al adha" this weekend. We wish them eid mubarak.
Of course, the rest of the school is continuing on as usual with teaching and learning, preparing for exams in January and planning for Christmas celebrations happening at the end of the school term.
We have a representative from the Israel Cricket Association coming into the school next week Wednesday to introduce the game of cricket to our pupils during PE lessons. Hopefully this will lead to some after school cricket activity.
To end with some good news...One of our grade 4 pupils, Jessica Bekkerman, has been selected to move to the next round of a dance competition towards appearing on the Israeli version of "Dancing with the Stars". We are all very proud of you, Jessica! Well done!
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Cruising on autopilot...
Pupils are preparing for the "Tabeetha's Got Talent" Talent Show next Tuesday, 24 November.
Preparations are nearing an end for the trip to Poland for the Model International Criminal Court session from 11 to 16 December. Preparations for exams have begun, as all pupils will be writing exams in the first week back at school, after the Christmas holidays. Grade 10, 11 and 12 pupils will continue with their Trial Exams through to the end of January.
Today the grade 10 class visited an archaeological dig close to the school. We were treated to a part of Jaffa history dating back to the late 1800s. Special thanks to the members of the Israel Antiquities Authority for taking time out to show us around the site and enrich our historical knowledge.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Back to school...
Since being back this past week, we have been making preparations for winter exams and Christmas activities. We have also been planning for the visit of 12 of our pupils to the Model International Criminal Court in Poland. We are really excited about this adventure! More information can be found at
The Student Council is planning a Talent Show for grade 4 to 12, which will also be used as a fund raising event. This is scheduled for Tuesday 24th November at 6pm. We are expecting to have a lot of fun and see lots of our pupils displaying their many talents (we may even have some teachers strutting their stuff!) Watch this space for details...
Friday, 23 October 2009
The Principal of the school is currently on a visit in Scotland. He and his family are visiting various churches and schools in the Hamilton and Falkirk areas, as well as other places of interest. Part of this visit is to report on the school and to spread awareness of the work of the school. So far the visit has been very successful and fruitful, with new relationships being established.
Friday, 16 October 2009
We're still here....
The past week saw a trip of our grade 10s to old Jaffa. Our grade 7 and 8 classes went on a trip to the Dead Sea and Ein Gedi and we celebrated our international food day today!
The grade 10 trip was very successful and informative for our pupils, who were accompanied by their English teachers and a qualified and experienced tour guide who told the pupils about the fascinating history of Jaffa.
The grade 7 and 8 trip to the Dead Sea and Ein Gedi also very good, with our pupils behaving in a way which makes us proud to call them Tabeetha pupils!
Our international food day saw foods from 39 different countries so the sights and smells were amazing! The food was enjoyed in a festive atmosphere, with about 500 participants.

Thanks to all who are part of the Tabeetha community for a great week!
Thursday, 24 September 2009
A busy week...
We look forward to a long weekend this weekend, as Monday is Yom Kippur, when the entire country shuts down for 24 hours. Our daylight savings time ends on Saturday night, when we turn the clocks back one hour.
To the Jewish members of the Tabeetha and Jaffa community - G'mar hatima tovah - "May your finished sealing be good."
Thursday, 17 September 2009

Our grade 7 and 8 class had a morning in the sun getting their hands dirty! We had some money left over from last year's Student Council, so it was decided to use this to buy some flowering plants to add some colour to our gardens.
The grade 7 and 8 registration teachers and classes offered to help with this project, and so spent a morning buying the plants from a local nursery here in Jaffa, then spent another morning planting their purchases (yes, they do go to regular lessons sometimes!) Each class will take responsibility for the watering of their new gardens.
Tomorrow we have our big reunion day with many ex-pupils of the school coming to visit. A report will be posted in the next few days.
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
We invite all ex-Tabeetha pupils to this special event. Come and tell us how Tabeetha has changed your life!
Friday, 4 September 2009
First week
There have been a few hiccups with the timetable, mainly with the grade 11 and 12 classes due to the complexity of subject choices, time, space and teacher limitations. Most teachers and students have had to create custom-made timetibles to accommodate the complexities and have managed to start their courses.
We now look forward to having the primary parents in to meet the teachers and hear about what to expect from the coming year. This is planned for next week. This is always a good opportunity to establish relationships with the parents and community.
The first newsletter of the year has been sent out to parents and can be downloaded from our website.
Tuesday, 1 September 2009
Back to school..
Monday, 31 August 2009
We have a roll of 334 pupils who will be arriving in their throngs tomorrow after 2 months of summer holidays. It will be up to us a team of professionals to continue to mold and shape them into successful learners, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens.
Thursday, 20 August 2009
New gardens
More exam results…
This is the breakdown:
Modern Hebrew AS-Level: 15A (10 100% grades), 1B, 1C (17 candidates)
Modern Hebrew A-Level: 1C (1 candidate)
Polish AS-Level: 1A (1 candidate)
Physics GCE O-Level: 1A, 5B, 6C (13 candidates)
Mathematics AS-Level: 7A, 3B, 4C (15 candidates)
History AS-Level: 1A, 3B, (10 candidates)
Russian AS-Level: 3A (3 candidates)
RE AS-Level: 2A, 1B, 1C (7 candidates)
Japanese AS-Level: 1A (1 candidate)
French AS-Level: 1A (1candidate)
Chemistry AS-Level: 1A, 1B (6 candidates)
Biology AS-Level: 4A, 3B (12 candidates)
Arabic AS-Level: 1A, 1B, 2C (4 candidates)
English Lit A-Level: 1C (1 candidate)
Chemistry A-Level: 1A, 1B (2 candidates)
Biology A-Level: 2A, 1C (4 candidates)
Arabic A-Level: 1B, 1C (3 candidates)
RE A-Level: 1C (1 candidate)
Mathematics A-Level: 2A, 1B (5 candidates)
Once again we are really proud of our students! Well done to all of you and to your teachers.
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Exam Results
We have received the first set of exam results for IGCSE and GCE Cambridge Examination Board. This involves mainly our Grade 10 pupils and some Grade 11 and 12 students as well. When looking at the results, we can see a broad spectrum, with many A and A* grades to a sprinkling of U grades.
The basic breakdown per subject is as follows:
Art and Design: 1A, 2B, 1C (14 candidates in total)
Biology: 4A*, 4A, 2B, 3C (16 candidates in total)
English as a Second Language: 5A, 7B, 10C (27 candidates)
History: 1B (6 candidates)
Literature: 3A, 4B, 1C (16 candidates)
Mathematics: 2A*, 7A, 4B, 6C (29 candidates)
We are really proud of many of our pupils who all worked hard and are now reaping what they have sown.
We expect the rest of the results to be published over the next two weeks and we are looking forward to posting a summary of those as well.
Well done to teachers and pupils!
Friday, 7 August 2009
Summer work around the school

To the right is a picture of our finished paved area at the back of the school, as part of the landscaping project.

To the left is a picture showing the work in progress.
We have also decided to change the front garden area of the school. Due to the fact that there is a water shortage in Israel and it is difficult to maintain the patch of grass at the front of the school, we have replaced the grass with river pebbles.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Exciting meeting...
In light of this, and the fact that we have established a relationship with a local voice coach, we will be establishing the Tabeetha Choir, who will not only perform at the hotel and the other Church of Scotland institution in Israel - St. Andrews Church and Scottish Guesthouse in Jerusalem, but will also perform at school assemblies and other school functions. We are really excited about this new venture!
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Welcome to our blog!

This is where you will be able to find news and updates of what is happening at Tabeetha School in Jaffa.
We are on summer holidays at the moment, but there has been plenty happening over the past month. We are in the middle of a landscaping project, made possible by generous donations from our friends in Scotland and supporting congregations of the Church of Scotland. Pictures will be posted shortly.
We have also been working at upgrading some classrooms and doing routine maintenance, in preparation for the new school year which begins in September.