Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Exams are over...

Exams are over for grade 6 to 12 and the high school is pretty much back to their normal timetables. Reports will be issued during the month of February.

This Friday 29th January, we will be showing our support for the victims of the Haiti earthquake by having a no-uniform day. Children will pay something to charity and then they will be allowed to wear something red. We are expecting great support from our pupils.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

We're on YouTube

We had a visitor from Israel21C towards the end of the term in December who did some filming around the school. The video has been posted on YouTube!

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Back to school: EXAMS!!

Everyone is back from having three weeks off for the Christmas holidays. Slowly, slowly people are getting back into routine and good teaching and learning is continuing. Our high school students are all busy with exams: grade 6 to 9 until next week Wednesday, and grade 10 to 12 until the end of January.

We wish all our Christian Orthodox friends a happy new year for tomorrow. School will be closed for pupils, but teachers will be in for a Professional Development training day.

Exciting news: some of our teachers and pupils will be part of the filming of a movie on Monday afternoon. A production company is making use of the school building to use in their movie called "Pencils". More news will be posted after Monday...