Thursday, 14 October 2010

Primary Outing

This is the second year that the Primary School enjoyed an outdoor fieldtrip at Kibbutz Nir Eliyahu. Each year group worked independently and had grade specific tasks.

The Reception class and Grade One made apple puppets.
Grades 1 and 2 and 4 made perfume from freshly ground herbs and spices.
Grade 4 also made pomanders using apples, cloves and cinnamon. All the students made pita, labenah and butter which they enjoyed towards the end of the day.

In addition to these engaging activities the children visited the 'animal corner' where they saw a wide range of animals from chicken to duck to guinea pigs to goats, sheep and a very tired sow. Wandering along with the children were peacocks and other birds. The children fed the camel and the pony.

The learning objective of the field trip was to develop the link between the land and our food. At each stop along the day the children were asked about where food comes from (before it gets on the lorries that bring it to the shop!!) We are already thinking about visiting Nir Eliyahu next year.