The programme was eight days long and took place during the 11th to the 18th of November. It focused on issues of human rights such as discrimination within societies and how each individual's identity is often misperceived by others due to stereotypes that exist.
Three main topics had to be negotiated which were: reconciliation and inter-community relations, economy and education and lastly security.
All participants had to commit to their roles and fulfill their own agenda. However to do so, they soon realized that compromise was needed and they had to reprioritize their set of goals. In addition, the press team covered the negotiation process through six news shows in which they aimed at neutrality.
To sum it all up, it can be said that this was a once in a life time experience from which a lot was learned; self's perception of the other, how misjudging and discrimination happen on a daily basis without our awareness and how stereotypes often cause us to label people and relate them to certain groups without knowing enough about them to make that kind of judgment. As well as cooperating and communicating with people you've just met and knowing how to handle pressure in situations you are put in- are all just a few of the things that were learnt during this trip.
We are very grateful to have had such an experience- one that will stay with us forever I believe. We would like to thank Mr. Antony Short, our Principal and Mrs. Pam Gilboa our Assistant Principal for granting us all this wonderful opportunity.
By: Rana Abu Manneh, grade 11