Wednesday 18 July 2012

Work continues...

The upgrading of the facilities continues with the foundations for the shading being dug today. Hopefully all the work will be completed by the end of August.


  1. It's very nice that the school is going through chance and repair but please where did all the green go? No one will be happier to have that much cement around. There used to be leaves and purple flowers in front of the walls, I guess that place has been empty for many years now. It's so sad to see things don't change for better in 13 years :(

    1. Thank you for your insightful comment. Yes, plants would be nice, but remember to keep gardens looking nice takes a lot of water and we are living in a country where there is a shortage of water. Already, with the gardens we do have, we recycle the water from the air conditioners and we are looking at ways to recycle other water as well. We are always looking for ways to improve and there has been large improvements in the last 13 years.

    2. Interesting that the first commenter does not see green in those pictures because even though that is the concrete playground, it still has green there. Photos taken from a different angle will show the new hedges that were planted 2 years ago, and other parts of the school have plenty of green, as well as the gardens that are coming. In a country that has drought and has to import water from Turkey, it is great that you at the school are doing so much to make the school look good for the students as well as being aware of the environment.
      Keep up the good work!

  2. Dear third commenter my name is written on my comments you may use it when you refer to me. Due to well planning Israel has more greenery then many parts of Turkey who it imports water from. I have seen that yard from that angle for 3 whole years and I still say it was more lively. It is explained that the trees had to be cut off due to their old age maybe the flowers on the wall were removed for the same reason. Many of the old students feel the same but of course this doesn't deny the effort put into the school so I also thank the management for their part in constant improvements and still hope they manage to bring more color to this part of the yard.

  3. To Selen:P from Anonymous
    Which three years are you referring to?
    I guess that you are entitled to think that how the school looked at the time you were there was the best but maybe you can change your thoughts to ""change" and "different" is not "bad"". I do hope that when you see pictures of all the green and flowers you will be positive :)

  4. wait so the palm trees in the playground are gone?
